Why You Need to Become a CLO
CEOs are obsolete. That means you are running a business with an archaic and unproductive method that is significantly depressing revenues, increasing costs, and hurting your brand. Even worse, your CEO management principles are alienating people — team members, customers, and the public at large.
Yet the CEO-system is all you’ve ever known. It is all business as usual instead of business as extraordinary. You won’t know what’s possible until you’re willing to explore what it means to be a CLO. Here is your opportunity.
CLO is not a revolution; it’s a reformation that can only start one place: with you, the leader of your business.
Does it make sense to invest the time, money, and effort to make the CEO-to-CLO tough shift? Below are a few of the advantages of becoming a CLO:
- Financial growth in sales and profits
- SG&A costs savings
- Talent attraction and retention
- Brand value enhancement
- Best workplace company culture
- Succession and sustainability
- Operational fluidity
- Become a vanguard business leader
- Freedom to delegate and lead
- Meaningful work
- Professional recognition and rewards
- Legacy of leadership excellence
- Raises and bonuses
- Growth as a Steward-Leader
- Fulfillment of a job well done
- Work-Life integration
- Peace and Power
- Identity and life apart from work
- Well prepared for your next chapter
The Hidden Problem
“CEO-speak” is your native business tongue. Unfortunately, it only perpetuates the obsolete CEO-system of management while stifling current and future business results.
Chances are you read or listened to Chief Leadership Officer. You’ve met some of the words, phrases, and constructs related to being a CLO. You awoke from the CEO-System Matrix or trance to discover there is a more authentic and profit-making way to lead. But where do you begin?
CLOWordShaping is foundational for a CEO coming to terms as a CLO.
CLOWordShaping clarifies your CLO language and understanding. You are better positioned to shape a company of leaders who deliver innovations and results. Stop being mired in management methods forged in the Industrial Age of the late 1800s and early 1900s. The future of business leadership is here. Prepare for tomorrow today or be left behind.
The CLOWordShaping Member Experience
Becoming a CLO is an individual and team endeavor. CLOWordShaping includes virtual interacting with other CEOs who are becoming CLOs.
Exclusive Membership: Only the top-ranking officer of the organization — i.e., CEO, President, Managing Partner, Managing Director, Executive Director — is eligible to apply. Each Experience is limited to 20 CLO candidates.
When: 8-week experience that meets for up to 65 minutes via Zoom on Fridays at 9:55 A.M. Eastern USA. Starts September 11 and runs through October 30.
Format: The weekly 65-minute agenda is:
- 9:55: Gather: Check-in
- 10:00: Refine: CLOWordShape from prior week
- 10:15: Ignite: CLOWordShape of the Day
- 10:30: Meld: Discuss and Apply
- 10:45: Fashion: CLOpen Forum
- Noon: CLOse Up
Recording: Each session is recorded and hosted in a private CLO-only membership site. Two recordings are available:
- The entire recording is made available for CLO member only confidential use.
- The Ignite segment is excerpted and made available for the CLO member to share with his or her Close Leadership Officers. A discussion guide is made available. The goal here is to begin the CLO team building experience and get your team on board.
Investment: $1,997
Guide: Kevin W. McCarthy, author of Chief Leadership Officer
How: Apply below for CLOWordShaping to see if you qualify. You will have an interview.
Terms, Conventions, and Culture
Word shaping is the process of using words to intentionally create and fashion something from a thought into a reality. CLOWordShaping is the process of shaping a CEO into a CLO who in turn shapes a leadership team who shapes a company into a company of leaders. This now CLO-led company promotes and serves the common good in its select field and beyond.
Words are super powerful. They shape our lives and world. The most powerful of all tools a leader possesses are words. The second is silence due to listening and learning. Communication — the effective imparting of information and understanding from one person to another — relies upon words and the meaning they convey. If the words are confused, then the people involved are confused. Confusion is the enemy of progress.
Words can inspire and elevate, and they can depress and destroy. Unfortunately, the language of CEOs has turned destructive and dehumanizing. CLOWordShaping sets out to reform the language of leadership and strategy so business leaders and their teams can re-establish their high and noble calling.